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Prehab is exercise prior to surgery. In undertaking prehab you will improve your strength, function and cardiovascular fitness level enabling you to achieve optimal function following surgery.

Active Physiotherapy is able to offer prehab for hip, knee and shoulder surgery.

The types of surgery include:
” Hip replacement
” Knee replacement
” Knee anterior cruciate reconstruction
” Shoulder replacement
” Shoulder rotator cuff repair
” Shoulder reconstruction
” Shoulder decompression

The prehab program is conducted at the purposed built facility at 501 Waverley Road Mt Waverley 3149, utilising appropriate exercise equipment that includes a Clinical Pilates studio.

The Prehab program includes the following :
education component
1. what you need for the hospital stay
2. rehabilitation following surgery
3. post-operative expectations
4. aspects of activities of daily living
5. understanding your operation

exercise component
1. Postural exercise
2. Strengthening appropriate muscle groups
3. Maintaining and improving joint mobility
4. Core stability
5. Proprioception
6. Balance – dynamic and static for lower limb
7. Cardiovascular fitness level
8. A.D.L i.e. getting out of a chair, transferring in and out of a car/bed/chair
9. Gait re-education using forearm crutches, including ascending and descending steps

If you would like to discuss any aspects of Prehab or make a booking, please do not hesitate to contact us on 98038422.


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GLA:D®, or Good Life with Arthritis: Denmark, is an education and exercise program developed by researchers in Denmark for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis symptoms.

What does GLA:DTM involve?
This education and exercise program reflects the latest evidence in osteoarthritis (OA) research. It also includes feedback from people with OA and trainers on what works in the real world to help patients manage OA symptoms.

GLA:DTM Australia training consists of:
” A first appointment explaining the program and collecting data on your current functional ability
” Two education sessions which teach you about OA, how the GLA:D™ Australia exercises improve joint stability, and how to retain this improved joint stability outside of the program
” Group neuromuscular training sessions twice a week for six weeks to improve muscle control of the joint which leads to reduction in symptoms and improved quality of life

Can I Participate in GLA:DTM Australia?
GLA:D™ Australia is a program for all individuals who experience any hip and/or knee osteoarthritis symptoms, regardless of severity.
You may participate in the GLA:D™ Australia program if you have a hip or knee joint problem that resulted in visiting a health care provider.
You may not be able to participate in the GLA:D™ Australia program if:
” You have other reasons for your hip and/or knee pain, including; tumor, inflammatory joint disease, result of hip fracture, soft tissue or connective tissue problems
” You have other symptoms that are more pronounced than the osteoarthritis problems (for example chronic generalized pain or fibromyalgia)
” You are unable to understand and communicate in English

Osteoarthritis (OA) Treatment in Australia
OA is the most common lifestyle disease in individuals 65 year of age and older, but can also affect individuals as young as 30 years of age.

Current national and international clinical guidelines recommend patient education, exercise and weight loss as first line treatment for osteoarthritis.

In Australia, treatment usually focuses on surgery and the GLA:DTM Australia program offers a better and safer alternative.
Background of the GLA:D® Program
Research from the GLA:D® program in Denmark found symptom progression reduces by 32%.
Other outcomes include a less pain, reduced use of joint related pain killers, and less people on sick leave. GLA:D® participants also reported high levels of satisfaction with the program and increased levels of physical activity 12 months after starting the program.

This program is unique in that the education and exercises provided can be applied to everyday activities. By strengthening and correcting daily movement patterns, participants will train their bodies to move properly, prevent symptom progression and reduce pain.

Find out more about GLA:DTM
Active Physiotherapy
501 Waverley Road
Mount Waverley 3149 Victoria
P: 98038422 F: 98868156


Do you have a sports related injury?

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Sport is a vital part of the Australian lifestyle- it promotes good health, stress relief and is fun. Sometimes injuries may occur through sport, but fortunately most injuries can be effectively treated by your physiotherapist.

Physiotherapy treatment will enable you to return safely to your sporting activity more quickly than just “rest and see what happens”. Your physiotherapist can also provide advice to prevent sporting injuries.


• Bruises

. • Ligament sprains

. • Joint injuries.

• Over-use injuries.


Most sporting injuries are a result of a direct blow (bruise or contusion) or an indirect force like a twist (sprains, strains, tears). Some injuries are due to over use stresses (tendinitis, stress fractures).


• Correct warm up and warm down procedures.

• Protective strapping or bracing.

• Correct footwear and sporting equipment.

• Specific conditioning for your particular sport.

• Good aerobic fitness.

• Good muscle control and reactions.


Before you can safely return to your sport is essential to regain strength, mobility, balance and co-ordination. Your Physiotherapist will assess these areas and show you how to improve them.


Physiotherapists are highly qualified and trained in the assessment and treatment of sports injuries. As they have comprehensive knowledge of biomechanics, tissues injury and healing, Physiotherapists treat players of local sports teams to monitor their rehabilitation and assist with preventing injuries.


As soon as possible, and for 72 hours after injury, use the RICER method:

Rest- Take it easy and only move within your limit of pain

Ice- As soon as possible, and for 20 minutes every two hours, apply ice or a frozen gel pack wrapped in a damp towel. This helps to control bleeding and pain and reduces secondary tissue damage.

Compression- Firstly bandage the injury. This helps to control swelling.

Elevation- As much as possible, elevate your injury higher than the level of your heart to reduce swelling.


Contact Active Physiotherapy on 98038422 to organise an appointment to ascertain a difinitve diagnosis asap. Once a diagnosis is made a personalised tailored rehabilitation program can be designed.

(No referral is needed).


Recovery can start from day 1 after an injury. Physiotherapy rehabilitation techniques will help reduce the time that your injury is painful and movement is restricted, so that you can safely return to sport faster. Rehabilitation also facilitates a good quality repair and the return of normal muscle and nerve function.

Avoid any of the HARM factors in the first 48 hours to prevent increased swelling and help your recovery:






You may consult a Physiotherapist at Active Physiotherapy either directly or by referral from your medical practitioner. Most private health insurance funds offer rebates for physiotherapy treatment.